CRMV Ltd represents the interests of Catholic schools in Victoria which historically were owned and governed by Congregations or Religious Institutes. It acts as a consultative forum for the debate of issues related to Catholic education, particularly as these pertain to Religious Institute and Ministerial Public Juridic Person (RI/MPJP) schools and maintains lines of communication with the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria.  It acts as a point of referral for issues related to the future governance of these schools and it also liaises with the Principals of RI and MPJP schools.

The Governance arrangements of some of these schools have changed in recent years with some Religious Institutes giving responsibility for the governance of the school to Incorporated Boards and Ministerial Public Juridic Persons. A Ministerial Public Juridic Person is a legal entity under canon law that allows the Church's ministries to function in the name of the Catholic Church.

CRMV Ltd has grown out of the Catholic Religious Victoria Education (CRVEd) Committee which evolved from the CLRCV Schools Committee established in 2006.


Governing Body and School Directory

Persons wishing to raise concerns about issues associated with any of our schools are encouraged in the first instance to make contact with the Principal. Contact details for each school can be found in the Directory, listed according to Suburb/Town. At times when it is not appropriate to contact the Principal, such persons are invited to make contact with the person with delegated responsibility for school issues.

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Leadership, engagement and collaboration

We support School Boards and Principals.


CRMV Ltd ensures that the views of Religious Institutes (RI) and Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (MPJP) in relation to mission and identity, contemporary Catholic education, educational leadership, and governance, continue to be articulated, promoted and valued in Catholic education in Victoria.

CRMV Ltd is a forum for representatives of canonical governance authorities currently involved in the provision of Catholic schools in Victoria and in the promotion of religion and education. The canonical (or governing) authorities of these schools continue to promote the gospel, preserve and promote the legacy of the founding Religious Institute and its particular heritage and prophetic tradition through dialogue and collaboration. This dialogue and collaboration provide an opportunity for governors of RI and MPJP schools to have a collaborative voice in matters relating to Catholic Education in Victoria.

It achieves this objective through

- engagement in collaborative and mutually respectful dialogue with related Church authorities and organisations, in particular Diocesan Education Offices;

- contributing positively to leadership and to the development of policies and practices which strengthen the education ministry of the Catholic Church in Victoria;

- sponsoring and delivering, as appropriate, opportunities for reflection and discourse on matters related to the education ministry of the Catholic Church;

- the identification of opportunities to contribute proactively to processes and decision making which shape the future of Catholic education in Victoria, through such means as committee representation and position papers; and,

- supporting the ongoing formation to the call to mission of those involved in governance and leadership in Catholic education in Victoria.

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