CRMV Ltd represents the interests of Catholic schools in Victoria which historically were owned and governed by Congregations or Religious Institutes. It acts as a consultative forum for the debate of issues related to Catholic education, particularly as these pertain to Religious Institute and Ministerial Public Juridic Person (RI/MPJP) schools.
CRMV’s Company Members are the RIs and MPJPs that govern Catholic schools in Victoria. It also facilitates networks of School Proprietor (Board) Chairs, governance and system leaders, Member School Principals and Formators from RI/MPJP education.
CRMV nominates a fifth Member for the Victorian Catholic Education Authority (VCEA) to serve alongside the Member Bishops and the CRMV Executive Officer serves on the VCEA Consultation Committee. CRMV nominates colleagues from its Member organisations to VCEA working groups and liaises on behalf of its Member schools with VCEA and the four Diocesan Education Companies.
Nationally, CRMV nominates a representative to serve on the Committee of RI and MPJP School Authorities Australia (CORMSAA), which provides a direct connection for its Members and Member Schools with the Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (AMPJP), Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) and the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC).
The CRMV Ltd Board of Directors acknowledges the privilege of partnering with and representing its Members, RI/MPJP School Proprietors and Member Schools within the Victorian context, whilst recognising that the canonical and civil authority for all its Member Schools remains with the respective Members and School Proprietors.
CRMV Ltd has grown out of the Catholic Religious Victoria Education (CRVEd) Committee which evolved from the CLRCV Schools Committee established in 2006.
Governing Body and School Directory
Canonical and civil governance authority for each CRMV Member Schools rests with its founding RI/MPJP and the relevant School Proprietor.
Persons wishing to raise concerns about issues associated with any of our Member Schools are encouraged in the first instance to make contact with the Principal. Contact details for each school can be found in the Directory, listed according to Suburb/Town. At times when it is not appropriate to contact the Principal, please make contact with the person delegated in the Directory as holding responsibility for school issues.
Leadership, engagement and collaboration
We support School Proprietor (Board) Chairs and Member School Principals.
Vision, Mission and Values
United in our Gospel imperative, and as individual and collective voices for Religious Institutes and Ministerial PJPs, we uphold our strong commitment to Catholic Education. In collaboration with diocesan and education authorities, and with school leaders, we seek to promote, support and advocate for the provision of Catholic education services and outcomes that are underpinned by effective, collaborative and united governance and decision-making structures
Asserting a prophetic voice on educational issues and preserving and promoting the rich legacy of the founding religious congregations, we discern and articulate a common view on matters to do with governance and contemporary educational issues. We work transparently and collaboratively and we engage respectfully in dialogue with our Catholic education authorities and with each other.
Hope – transformative leadership
Inclusion – welcoming all
Solidarity - walking together without prejudice
Compassion – loving and serving
Justice – acting after seeing