Education Committee Nominated Representatives (@JAN 2025)


Antonine Sisters Victoria Property Association Incorporated | Joseph Zeid

Dominican Education Australia | Sr Julianna Drobik OP

Faithful Companions of Jesus Education Australia | Elizabeth Maguire

Good Samaritan Education | Joanne Hack | Leonie Keaney

Jesuit Education Australasia Limited | Barbara Watkins

Loreto Ministries Limited | Maureen Ryan

Marist Schools Australia | Darren McGregor | Peter White

Mary Aikenhead Education | Peter Kelly

Mercy Ministry Companions | Louisa Rennie

Mercy Partners | Patricia Bergin

Our Lady of Sion College Company | Milan Poropat

Salesians Society (Vic) Incorporated | Fr Philip Gleeson SDB

Sophia Education Ministries Limited | Melanie Keating

The Corporation of the Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart | Chris McDermott

Trustees of De La Salle Brothers | Br Ken Ormerod FSC

Trustees of Edmund Rice Education Australia | Andy Kuppe | April Honeyman

Trustees of the Marist Brothers | Br David Hall FMS

Trustees of Kildare Ministries | Nicole Mangelsdorf | Peter Houlahan

Trustees of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart | Patricia Bergin | Sandra Diafas

Trustees of the Marist Brothers (in partnership with the Bishop of Sale) | Cathy Jenkins

CRMV Ltd Board Members | Mary Fitz-Gerald | Jo Hart | Paul Herrick

Executive Officer | Audrey Brown

CRMV Ltd Representatives ON Catholic education COMPANIES, committees & WORKING GROUPS (@JAN 2025)

Company Member of Victorian Catholic Education Authority (VCEA) | Sr Eileen Ann Daffy RSM

Committee of Religious Institute and Ministerial PJP School Authorities Australia (CORMSAA) | Andy Kuppe

Catholic Dialogue School Consortium | Paul Fumei

VCEA Catholic School Parents Victoria Working Group | Elizabeth Maguire

VCEA Consultation Committee | Audrey Brown

VCEA Employment Relations Working Group | April Honeyman | Andy Kuppe

VCEA Heads of Religious Education | Cathy Jenkins

VCEA School Funding Working Group | Darren McGregor | July Sailors

VCEA Secondary Principal Consultative Group | Paul Herrick

VCEA Teaching Staff Working Group | Mary Fitz-Gerald


Dominican Education Australia | Jenni Hickson

Edmund Rice Education Australia | Jo Hart | Kate Johnston

FCJ Education Australia | Elizabeth Maguire

Good Samaritan Education | Gabrielle Sinclair

Jesuit Education Australia | Jennie Hickey

Kildare Ministries | Jane Collopy

Lasallian Mission Council | Julie Alibrandi

Loreto Ministries | Carolyn Young

Marist Schools Australia | Anthony Clarke

Mary Aikenhead Education Australia | Paul Fumei

Mercy Ministry Companions | Annette Schneider RSM | Chris Bence

MSC Education | Anne McAtomney

Sisters of Our Lady of Sion | Mark Walsh | Fiona Dyball

Sophia Education | John Mooney

CRMV Director |Julianna Drobik OP

CRMV Executive Officer | Audrey Brown

Network Guests

Sisters of St Joseph | Eamonn Pollard

De Mazenod Family Education Network | Tony Coghlan